Now that i have your attention, this entry is not about pornography, at least not in the traditional sense of pornographic images (sorry folks). But it is about how the media exploits global warming and the potential apocolyptic end to our planet. In Mark Maslin's "Global Warming: A Very Short Introduction" he describes the media's love fest with anything illustrating "doom and gloom" to our society. You see, global warming has all the right ingredients. It has drama. If we don't do anything about global warming we will see the end of days as only the book of revelations can imagine. It has controversy. Does the science behind global warming add up? Why are there so many conflicting evidence around global warming? Scientist have been wrong before, what makes their claims right this time? It has suspense. James Hansen, who is believed to be the "father" of the global warming issues states that the new president "...only has 4 years to save the world"! Only four years?! Huh! Sounds like the perfect hollywood film! Oh, wait a minute, Hollywood has already bought into the global warming drama. "The Day After Tomorrow" was a blockbuster success and it brought the issue of global warming to the massess. The fact is, that "...the media has brought this obscure scientific issue to one of popular public concern" (Maslin: Global Warming, pg37) Furthermore, the cause of global warming has seen it's stock rise by the release of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and by many more cable channels dedicating specials on the issue and its catastrophic effectswith really neat special effects for our viewing pleasure. Sceptics of global warming have equally used the media to progress their views by debating the consensus and reliability of of data around global warming. Stay tuned folks, the show is only just beggining and the fights ahead and passions ensued will truly be "pornographic". Cigarette anyone?
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