There has been a lot of debate on global climate change, and with a new administration, it is the hope of many proponents of global warming that President Obama will lead us to an energry efficient and environmental conscious nation. But has there been too much hype on the subject of global warming? Whatever side your on, exaggeration, and overdramatization are often pitfalls in our arguments. The NY Times reported how Al Gore, now the face of global warming has become the most visual casualty of inaccuracies and overstatements. Speaking to an audience on global warming, Al Gore stated that "global warming is creating weather-related disasters that are completely unprededented." In addition, columnist George Will, a frequent opponent of global climate change attacked scientists for "fear mongoring"the American public and was quick to point out how they have been wrong in the past by predicting a looming "ice age". However, they are not alone. President Obama, durring an appearance at a California climate conference stated that "science pointing to human caused warming was beyond dispute". Beyond dispute? While i support our efforts to curtail human enduced causes to global warming, i hardly doubt that it's beyond dispute. There's lots of evidence that should give people pause of the effects of global climate change. Scientific data is continually changing and providing us with new information around global warming. But they are all prone to human error. While i think its wonderful that advancement in technology has allowed us to provide better data, they have not been around long enough to give us the proof beyond dispute. When we hear stories such as Mr. Gore having to pull slides showcasing disaster, it tends to give his critics more ammunition. Many proponents of global warming say that we have seen extreme weather paterns, changes in percipitation and rise of sea levels. But is it all caused by global warming? How do we know that the carbon dioxides released are the main cause? And, if it's true that we are living in a "ice house" world, why are we concerned about global warming in the first place? And finally, it's been really cold in the streets of NY lately, so cold that my skin dries up, my con ed bill has gone up and i've had to pull out the extra comforters to keep warm. I may be just hyping it up, but isn't that what get's people attention in the first place? (image source)
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